A timeless set of guiding principles that define our culture and the behaviors we expect from each other. They help us determine who fits our culture and who doesn’t, and they help us attract like-minded people to our team.



There are many people who are hungry to win but there are few who are hungry to do what winning requires. Those who are hungry and hustle win! Doing what winning requires is demonstrated by:

  • Being willing to do things most people won't do
  • Not settling for mediocrity because good is the enemy of great
  • Always being on the offense by grabbing opportunities, not waiting for them
  • Working smarter and trying differently to achieve results
  • Trading distractions for the most meaningful and impactful work

Because every business must continually improve its value more than its competition in order to stay alive. The way to continuously improve is to foster a growth mindset. Fostering a growth mindset is demonstrated by: 

  • Embracing challenges as opportunities to grow
  • Persisting through setbacks
  • Accepting constructive feedback as a gift
  • Focusing on the process, not the end result
  • Being inspired by others’ success
  • Learning and growing from failures
  • Always stepping out of your comfort zone

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle

To be a great company that carries out our purpose and mission, we need to be habitually excellent. This requires us to have a dedication to:

  • Being thorough and accurate in every moment
  • Being organized (clean and uncluttered) with our workspaces and time
  • Being your own and others' best editor of work
  • Being methodical with core process discipline
  • Being able to optimize or simplify, then implement

We’re in the business of serving our customers. That means we’re customer-centric in everything we do. Being customer focused is demonstrated by: 

  • Treating customers like they are valuable resources
  • Making all decisions based on the customer
  • Harnessing their feedback to improve
  • Making every aspect of their experience simple and intuitive
  • Working on their time expectations, not ours

We can and will only win when we do it together because our collective success will be defined by our ability to truly work as a team. Winning together is demonstrated by: 

  • Have an intense collaborative and supportive environment
  • Being open (be clear) and honest (be real) in communication and listening (Being unclear is being unkind)
  • Taking ownership of our responsibilities and upholding accountability with each other
  • Proactively solving problems through critical thinking
  • Maintain unwavering faith that we will prevail while confronting the brutal facts of reality